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Services - CFO Advisory

Interim CFO

As a senior executive, the CFO is responsible for managing all financial matters including everything from a business having enough cash flow to implementing long-term plans for financial success.

There are times, however, when an interim CFO is needed to fill the gap between an executive leaving or taking time for parental and maternity leave and a new executive being appointed or returning to work.

Hiring an interim CFO means that your business will benefit from expertise and experience without having to employ a full-time, permanent member of staff.

Having an interim CFO join your team is especially important for businesses who are struggling, have experienced accounting re-statements or are undergoing a period of transition (such as a merger), or require short-term help to implement a new financial system.

There are many benefits to working with an interim CFO:

How we can help

Olvera’s roster of specialist interim CFOs can be placed for both short and long-term contracts, or for specific projects or programmes.

Our services include: