Turning Uncertainty into your Advantage

Services - CFO Advisory

Financial Analysis

Evaluating businesses, projects, budgets, and business cases to determine their financial performance is just part of the programme of Financial Analysis services that you need to support your business. 

Our experience with many of our clients is that they are focused on one set of reporting criteria, one that has been established over time as their business has grown and developed.  This is the way most standard professional accounting packages operate, but as your business becomes more complex it is necessary to be able to identify and manage the economic drivers which underpin the growth of your business. 

For example, your company is making a substantial profit, and everything looks good from a standard reporting perspective, but your revenue comes from two operating divisions. 

One division is making 75% of the revenue of the company and requires significant capital investment but is generating losses, while the second division representing just 25% of revenue generates all of profit. How would you know, and where would you invest new capital?

Strong financial analysis supports your long-term business goals, so you do not waste pressure cash and resources. 

Olvera’s financial analysis programmes are designed in three phases:

  1. Identifying and capturing the right data
    1. Identifying source data required for reporting to the identified parameters;
    2. Capturing the identified data and a reviewable and assessable format;
    3. Discarding irrelevant data not required for reporting, which distorts information
  2. Assessment and Understanding
    1. Setting the parameters for data reporting
    2. Identifying specific data assumptions
    3. Historical and future data trends for prospective future information
    4. Creating data sets that provide business insights
  3. Clear and aligned Reporting Programmes
    1. Identifying the financial questions being asked the business case being put forward;
    2. Analysing the data in such way that the reporting outcomes are clear and understandable and meet the needs of the reader.

How we can help

Olvera works with clients to identify, assess, and report on the underlying financial performance of their business, the preparation of business cases for new investment and financial loss and assessment reviews. 

Our services include: