Turning Uncertainty into your Advantage


Energy & Resources

Australia is a commodity driven economy.  Chinese dependence on Australian iron ore has supported our balance of payments, but there are significant changes which will change that balance.

Our Balance of Payments at a Federal level is dominated by our mining exports.  The current energy crisis dominated by Russia’s Ukraine war and the global move to reduce greenhouse emissions has the potential to change Australia’s mining and energy generation.

The demand for solar power will mean significant government investment to the energy grid to realign our power generation and energy distribution footprint.

Key Challenges

Our experience

The energy and resources sector takes into account both mining an energy generation and all the associated industries.

Olvera completed the restructure and transformation of a number of projects in the mining sector including mine closure planning and determination of rehabilitation costs for financial reporting.

Kate Barnet is an independent director of Gold Hydrogen Limited an ASX listed company focused on new technologies in the extraction of clean hydrogen.

Case Studies

Our case studies only include publicly identified clients.